Mission Bay Parks, San Francisco, California |
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Located south of Market in the heart of San Francisco, Mission Bay is a new and thriving community. The approximate 300 acres former railyard industrial lands have become one of the bay area's largest reclaimed brownfield sites. The land has been masterplanned by a consortium of developers and design teams over the years. AECOM was tasked to take many of the masterplanned public parks to schematic and final construction design. Included in this extensive parks development scope are, Mission Creek Park, The Commons, Children's Park and the revision of Mission Bay Streetscape Masterplan.
Owner: Mission Bay Development Group / City of San Francisco Architect(s): Tom Eliot Fisch, The Office of Cheryl Barton Year: 2005 - 2008 Role: Senior Associate / Landscape Architect, Lead Designer & Project Manager while at AECOM External Link(s): Mission Bay Development Group Mission Bay Parks Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency) Project Location Download Project Sheet (PDF) |